What Are The Advantages OF Variable Capital Company Singapore?

 The Variable Capital Company (VCC) Singapore is a new corporate form for investment funds that were established by the Variable Capital Companies Act, which went into force on January 14, 2020. The VCC will be a welcome addition to Singapore's existing investment fund arrangements.

A Permissible Fund Manager must oversee all VCCs. The Monetary Authority of Singapore will be responsible for VCCs anti-money laundering and counter-terrorist financing duties (MAS).

Alternatives to the new corporate organization structure include unit trusts, limited partnerships, limited liability partnerships, and corporations. Certain administrative duties, such as convening general meetings and preparing prospectuses, can be merged as well.

Variable Capital Company Singapore
Variable Capital Company Singapore

Key features of Variable Capital company Singapore

The innovative suggested structure has piqued the interest of the Fund Administration industry due to its unique characteristics that would provide fund managers in Singapore with more operational freedom. The following are some of the most important characteristics of a VCC: 

·    The Variable Capital Companies Act will control it. The Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority will be in charge of the establishment and administrative aspects, while the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) would be in charge of the anti-money laundering and counter-terrorist financing requirements.

·       A VCC can be a standalone fund or an umbrella corporation that houses numerous sub funds, each with its investment objectives, investors, and assets and liabilities.

·       The VCC can have a single shareholder or hold a single asset; the existing Securities and Futures Act (SFA) investment fund regulations will apply to VCCs; the corporation cannot be self-managed.

·       It can be utilized as a stand-alone fund or as a holding company for various sub-funds with varying investment objectives, investors, and assets and liabilities.

What are the Benefits of a Variable Capital Company Singapore?

For the issuing and redemption of shares, no solvency tests or corporate resolutions are required. Relief from such restrictions allows capital to flow freely. Through simple subscription and redemption of shares, shareholders have more freedom and flexibility to enter and exit a fund. The effectiveness of investment money depends on such fluidity and adaptability.

·   In a VCC, corporate resolutions and solvency tests are not required for share problems and redemption. Relief from these regulations aids in ensuring a smooth capital flow. Shareholders also have additional freedom and flexibility when it comes to joining or exiting a fund, thanks to convenient share subscription and redemption. This trait of fluidity is critical in increasing the efficiency of investment money.

·   In a VCC, corporate resolutions and solvency tests are not required for share problems and redemption. Relief from these regulations aids in ensuring a smooth capital flow. Shareholders also have additional freedom and flexibility when it comes to joining or exiting a fund, thanks to convenient share subscription and redemption. This trait of fluidity is critical in increasing the efficiency of investment money.

·     The capital of the VCC will always be the same as its net assets. Because the VCC's shares are only created when investments are made, this is the case. This allows for greater flexibility in dividend distribution and capital reduction since dividends may be paid out of capital, simplifying fund managers' capacity to satisfy dividend payment commitments.

Important factors to consider for Singapore Variable Capital Company

An umbrella structure's sub-funds do not have their legal status. The VCC Act mandates that assets and liabilities of each sub-fund be separated to avoid a potential contagion risk in which assets and liabilities of one sub-fund are mixed up with or used to discharge liabilities of another sub-fund. To maintain the segregation, each sub-fund must be wound up independently, and the winding up of one Sub-fund does not result in the winding up of the VCC. The VCC may sue or be sued in respect of a sub-fund since the sub-funds lack legal personhood. A VCC's sub-fund can invest in another VCC's sub-fund.

The segregation of each sub-assets fund's and liabilities is one of Singapore VCC's main issues. The sub-funds of the umbrella framework do not have their own legal body. As a result, this segregation is essential to handle the risk of contagion, in which sub-fund assets and liabilities get entangled with or used to discharge the liabilities of other sub funds. A sub-fund of a VCC can invest in another VCC sub-fund.

The provisions of the Act dealing with the insolvency of VCC have been taken from The Companies Act in their current form. However, this will shortly be changed to include elements from the Insolvency Bill, as well as relevant VCC-specific amendments.


The Variable Capital Company Singapore is a brand-new corporate vehicle that overcomes the constraints of traditional structures. With this acquisition, Singapore's position as a global fund management hub will become more comprehensive and efficient, with world-class management skills, a strong regulatory environment, and a favorable tax system. With the establishment of the VCC, the industry will see a spike in activity, providing enough opportunities for service providers such as auditors, tax professionals, custodians, fund managers, and advocates to expand their businesses. Singapore's newest fund management innovation demonstrates the city-determination state's to keep ahead of the competition to maintain its position as a pro-business asset and fund management center in the region.

Ref Link - https://ascentfundservicescom.wordpress.com/2021/11/26/advantages-of-variable-capital-company-singapore/


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