What is Shadow NAV administration? How to manage Shadow NAV by the fund manager?

Basically, a fund administrator is greatly acknowledged as an outsourced third party service provider that safeguards the choices of the investors by making the confirmation of the assets separately and appropriate assessment of the fund. With the aid of outsourcing process of the Fund Administration function, fund administrators and managers are permitted the liberty to concentrate mainly on the portfolio management appropriately. The prime responsibility of Fund Solutions Provider or fund administrator is to calculate the fund net asset evaluation.

Ascent Fund Services

What Is the Actual denotation of Shadow NAV?

The Shadow NAV is the actual NAV calculation finished with the objective of confirming the official NAV.  It could be done successfully by the help of the hedge fund manager or it might be outsourced to an expert service provider. In fact, the fund could employ a second Shadow NAV Administrator to calculate the actual value of the shadow NAV.

Some investors think that a fund manager has an appropriate shadow NAV accounting procedure in the location. The main reason is that the official NAV created by the fund administrator is totally error free and decrease the possibility of a NAV summary. Having the power of shadow NAV accounting provider and administrator engaged in the separate cross-checking, NAV errors are deeply diminished and NAV delivery times go faster beyond expectations.

The Scope of Shadow NAV-

Almost all administrators have full knowledge about the way in which he hedge fund manager will make proper agreement for the official NAV before launching.  What is the nature of the procedure used by the fund manager? Is it confirmation or justification? Is the manager copying full accounting process or purely making certain that the NAV is within an appropriate level of lenience? Running a shadow NAV procedure in-house may be very expensive. On other hand, such rates can decrease if this procedure outsourced to a well-reputed and reliable third party.

Partial Accounting & Complete Accounting-

Partial shadow accounting could contain approving regular profit and loss numbers, confirming cash and portfolio evaluations. Complete shadow accounting does what the term recommends. It duplicates the accounting listed records fully.

How to calculate the Shadow NAV?

While partial or complete shadow accounting is selected and while it is completed in-house, or outsourced totally depends on many factors. What does the investor look for? What are the related rates? What is the role of Shadow NAV Administrator?
  • Big fund managers have the proficiency and newest technology to complete shadow  accounting process
  • Fund managers with low cost can do their own shadow accounting process
  • Mid-sized managers are probably to outsource exactly.
Ascent Fund Services

Full understanding of Variable capital company Singapore-

A Variable Capital Company Singapore is another form of corporate vehicle that will be available for the collective investment schemes. VCC is a new lawful entity structure for all kinds of the investment funds in Singapore. It can be outlined as an umbrella fund with two or sub-funds having varied assets. The company Act has many restrictions, when it comes to extra distribution and capital lessening. This new legal entity is specially designed for fund management industry for making stronger Singapore’s position as a hot spot fund management center in the area.


  1. Thank you very much for your valuable information. can you help me in finding out more detail on fund administration services


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