Independent Global Fund Administrator And Their Services- Explained

Unquestionably, today various companies outsource third party services from the experts present in the market to make out the best of their valuable time. An Independent Global Fund Administrator is essentially an expert offering their services like verification and valuation of a company’s asset on their behalf so that they can focus on the strategies for expanding their business.

Unlike a basic fund administrator, an independent global fund administrator works proficiently as a Hedge Fund Administrator, Unit Trust Funds Administrator, Fund of Funds Administrator, Singapore Variable Capital Company (VCC Fund Administrator), Real Estate Investment Funds and Crypto Funds Administrator whereas a basic fund administrator specializes in only one.

Ascent Fund Services

Any fund administrator work can be classified into two major categories-
  • Fund accounting 
  • Checking of cash flow in and out
Characteristics of a trustable and proficient Independent Global Fund Administrator:

An experienced and trustable fund administrator is able to take all the responsibilities given below like a pro. Let’s check out what can be expected from an Independent Global Fund Administrator.
  • Calculation of Net Asset Value (NAV) consistently to determine if the fund is undervalued or overvalued
  • Calculation of the fund’s income and expense accounts
  • Reporting of all the finances
  • Preparation of financial statements and reports to shareholders
  • Reconciliation of all the transactional statements
  • Bookkeeping and filing of returns
  • Managing payments and settlement of daily purchases and managing interests.a
  • Pricing the portfolio of the fund
  • Supervise various scenarios for dissolution and liquidation of funds depending on the situation of the company
  • Money laundering monitoring and reporting 
  • Shareholder administration 
  • Corporate secretarial services
  • Fund transfers and much more.

Let’s dive more into this blog and understand the role of different fund administrators.

Hedge Fund Administrator

Hedge fund is a type of investment vehicle where a group of individual investors group together for a common investment purpose and employ various different strategies to gain profits. It’s a short-term investment plan and achieves greater returns in a small span of time. A hedge administrator performs operations like fund's assets management, calculating net asset value (NAV), processing share applications and redemption, financial reporting to name a few.

VCC Fund Administrator:

VCC stands for Variable Capital Companies Fund administrator. These are private equity funds with long term focus. Unlike Hedge funds, venture capital funds do not focus on gaining profits in a very short term. They look for the portfolio of companies with long-term potential or acquire financially distressed companies via leveraged buyouts. They purchase small private companies with great potential which are not able to stand on their own or acquire controlling rights in public companies by purchasing their stocks.

Real Estate Investment Funds

As the term suggests, Real estate fund is a type of mutual fund that invests in securities of real estate companies. This includes every type of properties such as commercial and corporates, residential complexes, and agricultural land. These funds are beneficial for small investors who are not able to invest in real estate directly and can get better returns as it is managed by expert real estate investment funds administrators in the market.

Ascent Fund Services

Looking for Independent Global fund administrator who can plan out and manage everything for you and assure better returns? You have reached the right place. In case you need any further information, write to us through the comment section and we will be happy to help.


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