Why is Shadow Accounting Essential to Run a Hedge Fund?

The fast-paced industry has made shadow accounting a not to ignore factor in running the hedge funds. Shadow accounting brings a lot of competitive benefits such as it enhances transparency, helps Shadow NAV Administrator catch errors apart from delivering excellent operational independence and security. However, the infrastructure cost and complexity involved in shadowing made only the best-resourced hedge funds to fully utilize shadow accounting. Nevertheless, that’s not true now. With the change in industry trends, the demands have entirely flipped to the next level. The technology advancements and enhancements in service delivery made shadowing within all the hedge funds’ reach. Whether you run a small hedge fund or a bigger one, shadow accounting is within your limits. Here are the reasons why shadowing is an essential factor in running the hedge fund. Four reasons that make shadow accounting a priority for hedge fund 1. The client expects the best services Every client wants hig...